I am a Marie Curie Individual Research Fellow at the Political Science department at the University of Oslo.
My research interests are at the intersection of comparative politics and international relations. I am most interested in political violence, conflict termination, identity within conflict and transitional justice, especially amnesty.
My postdoctoral project is on Ukrainian citizens’ reactions to the Russian war in Ukraine. Previous work has been on the role of identity in conflict and what impact concessions that deal with identity grievances have on the post-conflict period and whether peace is more stable; what effects the recent independence campaigns have had on political preferences for independence, identity and polarization in Scotland, Catalunya and Northern Ireland; transitional justice in Spain; and amnesty during civil wars – when it is offered, who is most likely to take it, whether it has any effects. I also look at the impact of the International Criminal Court on the use of amnesty and the consequences for peace negotiations, with a case study of Colombia.
I have also worked as a peace practitioner on the European Union Peace and Reconciliation Programme for Northern Ireland.